Budget Billing Plan
The purpose of this plan is to average the member's monthly service bill based upon their previous 12 months of consumption. The Averge Billing Plan DOES bill the member for actual consumption.
The Average Billing Plan is available to any member of DSO that receives service under the Rate Schedules "R-1 and R-2". To be eligible, the member shall submit a written request and agree to be billed using the conditions of the plan. Members must have accumulated a 12 month historical record of normal electric consumption at the present location. Finally the member's account MUST be current.
The amount of the Average Billing Plan statement is calculated each month and is based upon an average of the kilowatt-hours (kWh) used by the member for the previous 11 months, plus the current month for which the statement is being rendered. The average kWh is then used to calculate the monthly statement using the current rate in effect, plus applicable taxes and miscellaneous charges. The Average Billing Plan bill is NOT identical each month. The member is just less subject to high or low fluctuations due to seasonal conditions.
All statements rendered by DSO to the member will be rendered at the same time and will become payable under the same conditions as any regular statement. The current statement rendered will show in addition to the average statement amount, a previous balance forward showing any debits or credits, whichever may be applicable. Each statement will also show, the overage or underage of the amounts paid to date as compared to the cumulative actual usage in dollars to date.
If two monthly payments are made after the delinquent date, within a 12 month period, it could result in disqualification from the Average Billing Plan and any outstanding amount will be due under the regular payment terms. Late payment charges will be assessed on the budgeted amount, but not on the current amount due.
The member's account balance must reach a zero balance at least one time during the year. In the event the account does not meet this requirement, DSO shall have the right to revise the budgeted amount for the succeeding month to bring the account into balance with actual rates and consumption amounts.
The member may at anytime withdraw from the Average Billing Plan. Upon withdrawing from the plan, all accumulated debits will become due and payable to DSO and any credits accumulated by the member will be paid to the member or applied to any current billing.
Any member choosing to withdraw from the Average Billing Plan or is excluded because of late payments shall remain out of the plan for twelve 12 months before becoming eligible to apply again.
If you would like to enroll in the Average Billing Plan, please complete and submit the information below.