Look Up and Live
by Tracy Turner, Operations Manager
June is the time of year when everything seems to hit at the same time — harvest, planting, and hay season. Not to mention every rain event seems to shorten the window for completion. When using farm equipment, it’s easy to focus ahead instead of up, especially when learning the functions of new or different equipment.
If your farm equipment hits a power pole or contacts a power line, call DSO and 911 immediately. For your safety, stay in or on the equipment and let us get the power turned off before you exit the equipment. If possible, without exiting the equipment, move it at least 75 feet away from the power lines.
If you must leave the equipment due to fire or other hazard, make sure you never touch the ground and equipment at the same time. Instead, jump and land with both feet together, then shuffle or hop away, keeping both feet on the ground until you are at least 75 feet away. Never get back on the equipment. Communicate with others in the area to stay away and not to touch the equipment.
As if keeping an eye out for overhead power lines isn’t enough to contend with, don’t forget about guy wires and anchors, which can be hard to see along field edges. Guy wires play an important role in maintaining clearance for overhead power lines.
If you have concerns or questions about overhead power lines on your property, or you’re interested in a safety demonstration, please contact DSO at 800-376-3533 and ask for the operations department.
Be aware of your surroundings; look up and live!