DSO Electric Cooperative is accepting nominations for three seats on DSO’s board of directors.
DSO’s coverage area is divided into three districts. Individuals who wish to run for a director’s seat need to be active members of the cooperative and bona fide resident of the district they wish to represent. Packets of information for those seeking to be director candidates is now available by clicking here. Potential candidates must submit a completed petition packet signed by at least 15 residential members of DSO. Signed petitions must be filed in the DSO office in Solomon by 4 P.M. on Friday, February 7, 2025.
Positions up for election this year include the following:
- West District, Position 2
- Jim Christopher (incumbent)
- Central District, Position 2
- Mike Richards (incumbent)
- East District, Position 2
- Sheila Hummel (incumbent)
Ballots will include those nominated by petition for the board and will be mailed to all cooperative members on or about March 3, 2025, and must be returned by 4 p.m. on March 28, 2025. Election results will be announced in the May Kansas Country Living magazine.
For questions, please contact Derrick Rutherford at 800-376-3533, at derrick.rutherford@dsoelectric.com, or by mail at P.O. Box 286, Solomon, Kansas 67480.